Friday, January 8, 2010

You want List, But what you Need are Leads

"So while preparing to go to The Affiliate Summit West 2010 in Las Vegas and I've been drilling my boss, Bruce Davidson about many things, one being:

           "Why don't we sell list"?

Here is a summary of why The Leads Network  will NEVER sell list. 

You see, my boss Bruce Davidson, worked as an agent in the Insurance business for 25 years!  After years of working list and going through tons of bad data / LIST!  He decided to quit his career as an agent and create   “leads”.

He states: "They don't want to plow through hundreds of calls to get a YES, and MORE importantly they should not have to".

What I realize is that with our company is that it has been created with the utmost integrity and we are not out to just make money but to help other insurance agents make money as well. Shortly after getting into the business it became clear to Bruce that more than just insurance agents needed good Leads, agents of every business are tired of calling 200 names to get 2 appointments.

Then the meltdown of 2008 left fewer companies standing and these cannot afford to waste valuable sales dollars on bogus, non-responsive leads.

By putting all of its affiliate suppliers through challenging quality filters, The Leads  Network eliminates 90% of those wishing to provide leads .  "Our clients are extremely demanding and expect the highest quality prospects.  They don't use lists, names.  TLN clients expects to reach a real person who is bonafide prospect for their products. And this is EXACLTY what we deliver."  Says Bruce Davidson, President of The Leads  Network.

As leads come through our affiliates instead of going out to waiting clients the leads go straight to our call center for verification.  All possible issues are identified and feed back provided to the originating affiliate.  Those NOT meeting our stringent standards are purged.  

This process is repeated 5 times before a Hot, interested prospect is ever delivered to a client.  The result?  Nearly 90% of the would-be suppliers don't make the cut.  The few that do help TLN to provide the est sales leads in the industry - financial, medical, security.  After 6 years and double digit growth every year, The Leads Network is proud of its track record of delivering the best prospects in the market place - good thing since  
TLN guarantees each and every lead 100%.